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Hi there, we are Andrea, Kevin, and Thomas. For 15 years, we've been in the trenches of the SaaS world. We've seen it all - the ups, the downs, and everything in between.

You might know some of our work – Auterion, Locatee, Sherpany, Moments that Matter  - these were not just business ventures, they were chapters in our life story.

We've been mentors to over 100 startup founders. Yes, it's as exciting and challenging as it sounds!

Raising $100 million? Done that. Building teams with 300+ awesome people? Yep, we've been there too. A lesson in leadership.

But our proudest achievement?

The Founder's Benchmark. It's a culmination of our experience, a roadmap for SaaS founders, and it's taken off beyond our wildest dreams with over 3 million views.

Now, we double down with Home of SaaS. Think of it as our way of giving back, of sharing the wisdom we wished we had at the start. It's more than a project - it's our legacy.

Join us. Let's shape the future of SaaS together.